So it's been a long time since I have posted any new developments on the house. Its been a busy month with my birthday and Caitlin's surgery and my new client at WACE Advisors. However, that hasn't slowed down the construction and we are inching forward to that October move-in date.
The cows are doing well, all are putting on weight and looking good- okay, good for cows! Sad news for those of you who remember my post about Lonely Helen and One-eyed Fred. Fred is now with Helen in the chicken coop in the sky and thanks to Darvin our neighbor, the villain, Mr. Fox has joined them.
The stone work is complete as is the roof and the 2 fireplaces (one in the great room and one on the back patio). We used the spray-on insulation and you can already feel the difference it is going to make. It was 101 degrees this weekend and the interior of the house in it's current state was almost tolerable. They finished putting up the drywall last week and it looks fab!! I have begun finalizing the finish choices. I have picked the flooring for all the rooms but the bathrooms and have that down to about 3 different vinyl patterns. I have picked the color of the kitchen. It is going to be yellow, the color of butter (to quote from Mr. Blandings builds his dream house- " I'd like yellow. Not just yellow; a very gay yellow. Something bright
and sunshine-y. I tell you, Mr. PeDelford, if you'll send one of your
men to the grocer for a pound of their best butter, and match that
exactly, you can't go wrong! "). For any of you who have never seen that movie, it's a must. the movie stars Cary Grant and Myrna Loy. They are building a house in the country and haven't a clue what they are doing.... Lucky for us that is not the situation here, though sometimes I believe Jay thinks I am a little too much like Muriel Blandings. Oh yes back to the paint colors, so the trim throughout will be off white and Jay is going to do something interesting and different with the massive walls in the great room. No clue yet for bedrooms, bathrooms or my office.
Great room,looking towards the Kitchen and hallways |
our little house on the no so prairie |
the kitchen |
Master bedroom and doorway to master bath |
Great room and fireplace- it will be rocked in austin stone |
another view |